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liability accident造句

"liability accident"是什么意思  
  • Crime of major liability accident
  • On the relationships between crimes of fire - prevention liability accident and crimes of dereliction in regard to fire prevention
  • In the conclusion , the above ideas are restated so as to arouse the warm concern of executives , magistrstes and workers , and prevent such major liability accidents by legal arms so that economy can be developed smoothly
  • According to " be restricted time , be restricted place , be restricted norms breed , be restricted to manage medium of communication , be restricted to produce place and rigorous management " principle , ensure do not produce great fire , do not happen group die group of injury accidents , do not produce great and safe liability accident
  • It's difficult to see liability accident in a sentence. 用liability accident造句挺难的
如何用liability accident造句,用liability accident造句liability accident in a sentence, 用liability accident造句和liability accident的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。